Public Finance and Organization

Public management is a synonym for the targeted management and structure of the public sector. This is essentially about the use of political consulting to make the most effective public services possible available to the citizen as efficiently as possible.

With this objective in mind, we provide support to the federal government, cantons and municipalities as well as non-profit organisations in those areas in which we possess in-depth experience. It is our firm conviction that, generally speaking, good solutions are the result of democratic processes in the federalist state structure and approaches based on the market economy.

The majority of our employees hold the HERMES 5 Foundation certificate and are also familiar with HRM2.

We focus on:

  • Support for public administrations (Departments) in increasing efficiency and effectiveness with the help of commercial approaches.
  • The development of forms of organisation for services which, for technical reasons, have to be delivered on a joint basis by multiple units of government.
  • The assessment of make-or-buy options for the procurement of services by the state. Thereby the concept of service agreements with third parties and the outsourcing of operating units are often discussed.
  • The development and assessment of Public-Private-Partnership solutions.
  • The support for municipalities and cantons in drawing up measures which safeguard their budgets during times when finances are tight.
  • The support for the public sector on location development issues.
  • The development of foundations for the economic argumentation of projects, measures and laws.

Contact person

René Goetz

Partner and chairman of the Board of Directors

Bachelor’s degree in business administration
Post-graduate diploma in business administration

Lorenz Bösch


Degree in Agricultural Engineering (B.Sc)
Former Cantonal Councillor Canton of Schwyz

Peder Plaz


Master in Public Administration (Harvard Kennedy School, Cambridge/USA)
Bachelor in Business Administration (University of Applied Sciences, Chur/Switzerland)

Michael Isenring

Project Leader

Master of Science in Geography

Dr. Jürg Kuster

Project Leader

Dr. phil. nat.

Christian Schlatter

Project Leader

Master of Science ETH in civil engineering
Master of Arts UniFR in Business Administration

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Phone +41 44 299 95 11

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